Your Laptop and Glare

A laptop sits in the bright sun displaying glare. MNK

The Sun, Your Laptop And Glare

As you can see from the image above, exposing your laptop to bright light like the sun causes a lot of glare - not just on your screen but also on the laptop itself. Using your laptop outside in bright sunny days comes with issues such as the glare we can see here.

Working outdoors has its benefits, clean air and being around nature are good for our mental health and soaking up a bit of vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and good calcium growth. A lack of vitamin D can lead to bone deformities such as rickets and bone pain.

However, in our technological age and our screened devices we have the problem of glare on those screens. That is why we have invented PROHOOD® - A lightweight Protective Laptop Case with a built-in Sun Shade. Once the shade is pulled over your Laptop it offers complete shade for your screen, keyboard and trackpad.

See PROHOOD® amazing features and benefits here