Protect Your Privacy When Using Your Laptop Outside

a business man sits on a step with his Laptop inside PROHOOD to conceal his screen from visual hackers. MNK

Stop Other From Looking At Your Laptop Screen

If you use a Laptop for work and use it in public, or in a busy place like an airport, cafe or train station you must be aware of others around you If someone can see your screen they can take your data, no one is safe from White Hat Hackers. It only takes one piece of valuable information to end up in the hands of a visual hacker to cause an expensive wide scale data breach. Cover your screen and keep out onlookers.
PROHOOD® by MNK is a Laptop Case with a built in Privacy Shield - as you can see from the image above, it conceals your Laptop Screen from onlookers but allows you to carry on working - without the worry of being hacked.
Buy yours here