10 Best Laptop Sun Shade In the UK – Black Friday 2023 – Best Product Review

The challenges are often poor visibility due to sun glare, and overheating. One of the best products for working from home has to be the new PROHOOD® laptop case.
This is a splash-proof, water repellent, quick drying, shock absorbing laptop case. Magnetic fasteners let you attach the canopy which blocks direct sunlight. The hood also acts as a privacy shield (ideal if you work with confidential material), covers from germs and protects from spills. Add a cold drink and sunscreen and you’re ready to get out working in the sunshine.
Shop PROHOOD® as featured in the article here
Original article by Louise Goss – The Homeworker Magazine
Read the full article on the Homeworker here
The new laptop accessory was a lockdown project for Maldon resident Adam Gibbs. Adam founded MNK after being inspired by his travels across the globe.
He says he’s always had an eye for design and a passion for problem-solving.
Over the past few years he has decided to transform his ideas and branch out on his own. With his business, the 46-year-old aims to provide high quality, lightweight and robust solutions to protect tech and reduce landfill waste.
He has now revealed his debut product which is an all-in-one laptop case, privacy shield, sun shade and germ blocker. The product, designed and developed by himself, claims to be splash-proof, water repellent, quick-drying, shock-absorbing and slim. It boasts an integrated splash resistant and water repellent dark hood which also conceals the screen.
Adam says PROHOOD® the new laptop case, can reduce screen glare by 80 to 90 per cent. If not in use the hood can be hidden by magnetic fasteners.
The all-in-one has been developed to cut down on the need for replacements and therefore reduce landfill waste.
Adam said: “It is with great pleasure that I announce the release of PROHOOD® – When you don’t want to pay for expensive repairs or upgrades and want to protect your laptop from knocks and bumps, scratches and scrapes, dust and grime, spills and germs and keep your privacy, this new and versatile case offers protection from all that and then some.”
The businessman has also teamed up with Computers For Charity to collect old laptop cases which the charity then passes on with its computer donations. By donating their old laptop case to MNK, customers could help reduce waste and claim a discount.
Shop PROHOOD® as featured in the article here
Original article by Jessica Day-Parker
Read the full original articlehere
Hello Tech Lovers!
In this week’s MNK Blog I want to touch on how to reduce or even stop screen glare affecting your Laptop when using in an outdoor space. Below you will find some tips on how to do so and also, learn the mental health benefits of being outdoors.
In recent times, technological devices have become an integral part of of lives. Smart phones, smart TVs, tablets, smart watches and laptops are a common feature in the modern day house hold. Although, most are mobile devices which we can take out when we leave the house, the majority of them include a shiny screen.
Screen glare is a modern day problem when viewing our smart technology in the great outdoors. We at MNK have recognised this as an issue and have come up with some tips n tricks for you when using your laptop out side. Take a look at them below and tell me what you think in the comments – what do use to combat the glare on your laptop screen when using an outside office – like your garden?
Sitting with the sun behind you will shine directly onto you and your laptop. Move your sitting position so the sun is in front of you or beside you.
Increase your Laptop screen’s brightness, via the control panel of your machine. A brighter screen will help combat the bright light of your surroundings.
Where possible use a dark wall or another non reflective backdrop like a wooden shed, barn, or trees as your backdrop. A lot of the glare you see on your laptop screen isn’t coming directly from the sun – it’s reflecting off your surroundings. A bright object behind you will reflect back in your direction, this includes: windows, cars, garage doors and other metallic surfaces, brightly coloured walls, doors, sand dunes, lakes and rivers, washing on the line, tents, and even the blue sky.
This may sound like a not so obvious thing to do. However, a dirty screen with smears and fingerprints on will add to the glare. Clean your screen regularly with non alcoholic Lens Cleaner and a Microfibre Cloth to minimise glare when using your laptop outside. The non-alcohol solution will clean your screen with no streaks.
You can buy Lens Cleaner and get a free Microfibre Cloth from our store here
Wearing dark toned clothes will reduce the reflection back onto your laptop screen – it will have the same principal as a dark backdrop mentioned in tip 1. Wearing light colours such as, white or yellow like the girl in the picture above, will cause glare and reflection.
A canopy or screen will shade your device. However, the we believe PROHOOD® is the quickest and easiest way to add a canopy over your Laptop. It blocks light, reducing glare by 80% – 90%. Plus, it has U.V Radiation resistant properties and is splash proof, water repellent and quick drying. Allowing you to work stress free in almost any environment. Perfect if the clouds start to gather up above and a sudden shower begins. It is also, wipe clean – very handy for outdoor use and low flying birds!
Check it out below
Working outdoors has been proven to help with depression and anxiety. According to the charity, Mind, the mental health benefits of being outside and around nature can improve your mood, reduce
stress or anger, improve confidence and self esteem. However, like anything else in life, it is better to be prepared than not being prepared. Having to work on the back foot all the time with constant adjusting and correcting will only add more stress to your day, delaying your tasks and enjoyment of being outside. Make the most of your time outdoors with the best preparation – see how PROHOOD® can help your outdoor working environment.
See the Mind website and learn how being outside benefits your mental health here
Shop Lens Cleaner and keep your laptop screen nice and cleanhere
Shop PROHOOD® as pictured above here
I Hope you enjoyed this week’s quick read on, ‘How To Overcome The Elements When Using Your Laptop Outside’. Don’t forget to check out the blog archive for more laptop protection tips n tricks.
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Adam – MNK Founder #ProtectYourTech
According to the Global E-waste Monitor, in one year, a staggering 44.7 million metric tonnes of e-waste are generated. That is the equivalent to just over six kilograms for every person on the planet. Europe and the US alone contribute to almost one-half of the total e-waste generated annually.
One-half of all e-waste is personal devices, such as computers, screens, smartphones, tablets and TVs – that’s equivalent to a mass of 4,500 Eiffel Towers! 40 million tonnes of e-waste are discarded in landfill, burned or illegally traded and treated in a sub-standard way every year.
The reason I set up MNK, was to help reduce landfill waste of laptops and tablets. I provide robust protection so consumers can better protect their devices, also reducing expensive repair bills and or costly renewals. I have also partnered up with the charity, Computers For Charity whereby I collect old and unused laptop cases, sleeves and covers and pass them onto the charity when they donate their laptops.
One huge cause of ewaste is, technology being discarded early – way before it’s depreciated or, even near the end of it’s lifespan.
Every year new mobile phones, laptops, and tablets, are released with consumers acting quick to snap up the latest gadget. They are only too quick to throw away their “old” devices. Electrical equipment can last longer than the twelve month period people have them for, yet they swiftly adopt the, ‘out with the old and in with the new’ attitude as soon as the big tech giants announce a new product.
So far, smartphone and laptop manufacturers have done little to react to the environmental waste problem. To avoid further mountains of waste, tech companies could act by offering cheaper and quicker repairs, extending the time between new product releases, better access to repair parts, and the products could also be designed to be repaired easily.
Better protection too of technology devices will help reduce costly repair bills, premature renewals and reduce landfill waste. Such as the shock absorbing, splash proof and water repellent laptop case pictured below.
View our range of robust and lightweight tech protection here including the PROHOOD® Laptop Case with its protective privacy screen / sun shade.
Read the full report here
Find out more on Computers For Charities here
Don’t forget to check out the blog archive below for more posts from me and why not subscribe to the blog to be the first to hear when a new post is available, also get the low down on new product arrivals?
Adam – MNK Founder
Now that the COVID travel and country entry restrictions, are gradually lifting from popular destinations, we can spend a bit more time travelling and visiting the countries we so miss. Whether it’s for a holiday, a business trip, see family or friends or even to relocate, the borders are slowly beginning to open up again.
As we have become more mobile in recent times, so have our work tools, entertainment, and ways of communication. Technology has allowed us to work, play and keep in touch wherever we roam. One such device which hasn’t hindered our need for travel is – the laptop computer. We use our laptops whilst travelling for office presentations, keeping the kids amused, and for important correspondence. However, the portability of the laptop can also be seen as a down side due its vulnerability to get damaged.
Laptops like other tech devices aren’t cheap – costly repairs and expensive renewals can add onto an already expensive excursion. The constant packing, repacking, lid opening and closing, spills, knocks, bumps, scrapes, germs and change in climates can all take the toll on your machine.
I have listed a few tips to help protect your laptop whilst travelling. The clear thing to do, to keep your laptop free from damage is to protect it with a case or sleeve, but I have included a couple of maybe not so obvious things to try.
No matter where you travel to or, how often – you can be rest assured that our high quality, light weight and robust laptop cases protect your tech cutting down on your expensive repair bills, costly repairs and reducing landfill waste. View our laptop cases including the PROHOOD® with it’s protective privacy screen / sun shade here
Hope you enjoyed this quick read on how to protect your laptop whilst travelling. Don’t forget to check out the blog archive below for more laptop protection tips.
Why not subscribe to be the first to hear when a new blog post is available and when new products come into the store.
Adam – MNK Founder
Well, that is a gruesome title isn’t it! Not to fear, here are what’s hiding on your laptop and how to reduce them. And, if you haven’t read my last blog post – 3 Top Tips On How To Safely Clean Your Laptop Computer – And The Cleaning Products To Use. You can do so from the this link.
Hiding on your laptop is a whole host of bacteria. Your laptop is the dirtiest device you use and the most likely germs hiding on your laptop can lead to skin infections and pharyngitis.
If the rise of the Pandemic has taught us anything, it’s the regular cleaning of our hands and covering of our faces to reduce the spread of the Corona Virus. But, did you know your tech devices are already covered with harmful bacteria and the warmth of your computer is the perfect breeding ground for such germs.
A bacteria that can cause meningitis and food poisoning is one of the main culprits – Bacilli. Around 25% of harmful bacteria found on laptop keyboards is this nasty germ. So, you might want to think twice, before unwrapping your lunch time burrito after scrolling through your emails!
Your computer keyboards, mouse, mobile phones and track pads are all susceptible to housing bacteria that could potentially make you very sick according to a report by Tap Warehouse. This is all without the added germs being spread from straying coughs and sneezes. With so many germs found on the average laptop caused by cough splutter and sneeze mucus, laptop users could be permanently at risk of sickness. The average sneeze can send 10,000 contagious germs into the air at speeds of over 100 mph!
Get the perfect cover – use a PROHOOD® by MNK. It’s the quickest and easiest way to protect your laptop from the spread of germs. Easy to maintain too, with it’s wipe clean properties. It’s splash proof, water repellent and quick drying! Take a look here
Adam – MNK Founder #ProtectYourTechThis week I am going to give you, 3 Top Tips On How To CLean Your Laptop Computer, the how-to method, how often, and what cleaning products To Use.
OK, I know I know – the image above doesn’t feature a laptop, but you get the idea…
Your laptop goes through a lot over it’s lifetime. It’s subject to rough usage and requires more cleaning than a desktop computer. If you never clean your laptop, you’re doing your health (and the health of your computer) a huge disservice. Damage to your device could be significantly reduced by giving your laptop a regular clean.
The build-up of dirt, dust mites, grease and harmful bacteria often goes unnoticed. Laptop keys, USB ports, screens and fans all need a thorough cleaning – more than once in a while. Plus, a regular clean will dramatically reduce the impact of germs to your system.
Continue reading to get the top tips on how to clean your laptop, freeing it from harmful bacteria and how to keep it clean for extended use.
What:Top Tip!
Use the extension straw of the compressed air to insert it into hard to reach areas.
What:Top Tip!
The more you use a Microfibre Cloth the less dust will build up on your computer or device over. Microfibre cloths are very durable and can be washed up to 500 times.
What:Top Tip!
Use a different Microfibre Cloth to remove the dust than to wipe clear the Lens Cleaner.
To reduce the amount of dust, grease and germs building up on your laptop you need to cover it. PROHOOD® by MNK protects your laptop when in use with its integrated shield. It protects your privacy, covers form straying germs and acts as a light shade reducing screen glare.
Read why you should keep your Laptop Computer clean and more in-depth cleaning tips here
Buy all the Laptop Cleaning Products mentioned above here
Buy your PROHOOD® here
Adam – MNK Founder