10 Best Laptop Sun Shade In the UK – Black Friday 2023 – Best Product Review

MNK, Tech Protection. Announce the release of their long-awaited PROHOOD®. A splash-proof, water repellent, quick-drying, shock-absorbing laptop protector with an integrated splash resistant, water repellent, dark hood. Developed in the UK and inspired by his worldly travels, MNK founder – Adam Gibbs designed PROHOOD® to offer you the ultimate laptop accessory. It protects your device, your privacy and you.
Shop PROHOOD® as featured in the article here
Read the full article via Open PR here
MNK, Tech Protection. Announce the release of their long-awaited PROHOOD®. A splash-proof, water repellent, quick-drying, shock-absorbing laptop protector with an integrated splash resistant, water repellent, dark hood. Developed in the UK and inspired by his worldly travels, MNK founder – Adam Gibbs designed PROHOOD® to offer you the ultimate laptop accessory. It protects your device, your privacy and you.
Shop PROHOOD® as featured in the article here
Read the full article via Business Mondays here
MNK, Tech Protection. Announce the release of their long-awaited PROHOOD®. A splash-proof, water repellent, quick-drying, shock-absorbing laptop protector with an integrated splash resistant, water repellent, dark hood. Developed in the UK and inspired by his worldly travels, MNK founder – Adam Gibbs designed PROHOOD® to offer you the ultimate laptop accessory. It protects your device, your privacy and you.
Shop PROHOOD® as featured in the article here
Read the full article via News Anyway here
MNK, Tech Protection. Announce the release of their long-awaited PROHOOD®. A splash-proof, water repellent, quick-drying, shock-absorbing laptop protector with an integrated splash resistant, water repellent, dark hood. Developed in the UK and inspired by his worldly travels, MNK founder – Adam Gibbs designed PROHOOD® to offer you the ultimate laptop accessory. It protects your device, your privacy and you.
Shop PROHOOD® as featured in the article here
Read the full article via MarketWatch here
MNK, Tech Protection. Announce the release of their long-awaited PROHOOD®. A splash-proof, water repellent, quick-drying, shock-absorbing laptop protector with an integrated splash resistant, water repellent, dark hood. Developed in the UK and inspired by his worldly travels, MNK founder – Adam Gibbs designed PROHOOD® to offer you the ultimate laptop accessory. It protects your device, your privacy and you.
Shop PROHOOD® as featured in the article here
Read the full article via PRFire here
Hello Tech Lovers!
Over the extended weekend just past, we partied to celebrate Queen Elizabeth 11 Platinum Jubilee. This marked the 70th anniversary of her accession as, The Queen Of England and the Commonwealth Of Nations.
This got me thinking about everything British, so I proceeded to do some research on my favourite British inventors and their innovative projects. In this post I thought I would show appreciation to past (and some still present) inventors and entrepreneurs. Below you will discover my Top British Inventors, what they invented, how they effected the world and why I think they should be in the list.
When I decided to write this blog post I thought I would mention my top three. However, I soon discovered some facts that I never knew before and some amazing inventions. Concepts, that inventors and entrepreneurs before me had achieved – many of which are still being used today. Ideas and inventions that have either stayed the same or developed further and adapted with time. I may do a part two, so keep an eye open 😉
If you think someone should have been added to the list or if you have complied a different list, let me know in the the comments below. Maybe you live in a different part of the World and your list looks totally different, would love to see it – add it to the comments.
Let’s dive into it and check out the inventors and their ideas.
If you reside in the UK, then you have probably heard of James Dyson – or at least the Dyson brand – especially the Dyson Vacuum cleaner range. However, as with lots of inventors their story started long before their most known inventions. Projects that preceded and sparked ideas for their most familiar products.
Have you heard of the, Sea Truck – the tail gate, flat bed truck that could span water? Or maybe the green wheel barrow with a ball instead of a wheel? The Ballbarrow had a bright orange ball in place of a standard wheel, allowing you to turn sharper corners without tipping the contents of the barrow.
Take a look at the list below of some James Dyson’s inventions. Note, from the image of the Ballbarrow you can see where the idea for the multi-directional Dyson Ball vacuum cleaner come from.
James Dyson’s Inventions
Photo courtesy of Dyson
Why James Dyson is in the list
Tech enthusiasts, computer nerds and gadget lovers will have heard of Clive Sinclair’s inventions. Slimline Pocket Calculators, Calculator Watches, and who can forget the Sinclair C5 or ZX Spectrum! The latter of which helped give birth to the UK’s Video gaming industry, hoards of bedroom coders would program games for it, selling them via mail order.
Check the list of Sinclair computers and gadgets below and remind yourself of his achievements. Maybe you owned some of them, do you still have it? Let me know in the comments.
Clive Sinclair’s Inventions
Photo courtesy of Beyond Games
Why Clive Sinclair is in the list
Sir Tim Berners-Lee is a computer scientist, best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web. He is director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) which oversees the continued development of the Web, co-founded the World Wide Web Foundation, and is director, advisor and researcher of numerous other foundations and institutions.
Berners-Lee proposed an information management system in March of 1989, then implemented the first successful communication between a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client and server via the internet in November of the same year. He devised and implemented the first Web browser and Web server and Time Magazine, named him in their list of 100 Most Important People Of The 20th Century.
Tim Berners-Lee’s Inventions
Why Tim Berners-Lee is in the list
It has become second nature to go online for the vast majority of the planet’s population. You can chat to people from all four corners of the globe, do your weekly shop, watch your favourite music video, transfer money in an instant, play games, read the MNK Blog, and so much more – all from your computer or smart device. The use of the World Wide Web has grown exponentially since its creation in the late ’80s
However, would have Tim Berners-Lee being able to invent the World Wide Web without inventor number four?
Charles Babbage was a mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer. Babbage is considered to be the, father of the computer and is credited with inventing the first mechanical computer.
It is said, his principle was openly borrowed from the method of weaving used in the Jacquard Loom.
If you want to see some of Charles Babbage’s work, the Science Museum in London have some incomplete mechanisms on display. Click the link below to find out more.
Charles Babbage’s Inventions
Photo courtesy of Computer History
Why Charles Babbage is in the list
All of these innovators have an advanced way of thinking, the ability to see things differently to the average human. Inventors see the end in mind. Before etching any drawings or crafting prototype models – they have the ability to mold their inventions in their heads before externalising them for the world to see. Added with the hunger for problem solving and the discipline to stay focussed, these inventors work out solutions and don’t quit until an issue has been solved.
Everything begins in the mind, everything that man has created started as a thought in someone’s head. That chair you are sitting on, the desk your computer sits, and your commute into work this morning was only possible because of someone’s thought.
All of the above mentioned have one thing in common, the ability to think up solutions, vision ideas that others can’t imagine and have faith in themselves to keep trying.
As a relatively new entrepreneur and inventor, it is sometimes frustrating, it feels like no one else can picture your vision. However, there is one thing I have learnt from doing my research for this post. I am not alone in my frustrations, James Dyson wasn’t always a Billionaire and one of the richest people in Britain, Clive Sinclair had multiple gadgets that not everyone bought and I’m sure Tim Berners-Lee didn’t get it right the first time around, and I’m confident that everyone thought Charles Babbage was a little cuckoo. However, despite their set backs, lack of funds, and funny looks from their peers, they kept going.
Learning from the successes before me gives me hope and the momentum to keep pushing forward.
If you have stumbled across this blog and don’t know what I do, take a look at the image below. This is a product called, PROHOOD® – A Laptop Privacy Screen / Light Blocker integrated into the lid of a protective laptop case.
Learn more about PROHOOD® here
I Hope you enjoyed, ‘My Top UK Inventors’ article and learned something from it.
Do you have a favourite invention from the above list?
Who would be in your list?
Do you live outside of the UK, what would your list look like?
Let me know in the comments below
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Adam – MNK Founder #ProtectYourTech
The challenges are often poor visibility due to sun glare, and overheating. One of the best products for working from home has to be the new PROHOOD® laptop case.
This is a splash-proof, water repellent, quick drying, shock absorbing laptop case. Magnetic fasteners let you attach the canopy which blocks direct sunlight. The hood also acts as a privacy shield (ideal if you work with confidential material), covers from germs and protects from spills. Add a cold drink and sunscreen and you’re ready to get out working in the sunshine.
Shop PROHOOD® as featured in the article here
Original article by Louise Goss – The Homeworker Magazine
Read the full article on the Homeworker here
The new laptop accessory was a lockdown project for Maldon resident Adam Gibbs. Adam founded MNK after being inspired by his travels across the globe.
He says he’s always had an eye for design and a passion for problem-solving.
Over the past few years he has decided to transform his ideas and branch out on his own. With his business, the 46-year-old aims to provide high quality, lightweight and robust solutions to protect tech and reduce landfill waste.
He has now revealed his debut product which is an all-in-one laptop case, privacy shield, sun shade and germ blocker. The product, designed and developed by himself, claims to be splash-proof, water repellent, quick-drying, shock-absorbing and slim. It boasts an integrated splash resistant and water repellent dark hood which also conceals the screen.
Adam says PROHOOD® the new laptop case, can reduce screen glare by 80 to 90 per cent. If not in use the hood can be hidden by magnetic fasteners.
The all-in-one has been developed to cut down on the need for replacements and therefore reduce landfill waste.
Adam said: “It is with great pleasure that I announce the release of PROHOOD® – When you don’t want to pay for expensive repairs or upgrades and want to protect your laptop from knocks and bumps, scratches and scrapes, dust and grime, spills and germs and keep your privacy, this new and versatile case offers protection from all that and then some.”
The businessman has also teamed up with Computers For Charity to collect old laptop cases which the charity then passes on with its computer donations. By donating their old laptop case to MNK, customers could help reduce waste and claim a discount.
Shop PROHOOD® as featured in the article here
Original article by Jessica Day-Parker
Read the full original articlehere