MNK Blog
Did You Know We Offer an NHS Discount?
Get Money Off And Save If You Are An NHS Worker
Hello Tech Lovers! Not really a blog post this week – more of a, ‘Did You Know…?’ This week I am letting you all know, if you didn’t already, that we offer all staff of the NHS a 20% discount. I have many friends working in the NHS and understand the long working hours they put in (in ‘normal’ times, let alone during the pandemic) and the low wages they take home. So, to do my little bit to help I have set this discount to have no expiry date and no minimum order cost! To claim the on going discount simply sign up with your NHS email and we will forward the code onto you. This is a great offer as you can stock up on the little things we sell like, products from our computer cleaning category as well as the more substantial items like our laptop cases. Gone on fill your boots, click the link and start shopping. Don’t to forget to spread the word you heard! Get shopping for laptop cases including our PROHOOD® here To view more info on the NHS offer including the terms and conditions click hereNot an NHS worker? Get this other MNK discount code
Adam – MNK Founder